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Campaign Services

Most people in marketing ops know that firing campaigns to the right people at the right time is key. But, few are lucky enough to know what campaigns are working, for whom and what the potential revenue impact they are having on a business. For us, this is an everyday journey. We have helped hundreds of clients on their way to campaign management and revenue attribution using a variety of tools and standard functionality.

What Member?

Did you know if you are using Salesforce Sales cloud along with your marketing automation platform, you can set up campaign attribution and tracking using standard functionality? Yep, and we still find people shocked that it is so easy to maintain.

Real Attribution

The idea of attribution is sometimes frightening to members of the leadership team as the idea of competing with sales is never a good one. However, what if you could have your cake and eat it too? Let us show you how.

KPIs for what?

Key performance indicators are only good if they provide insights that align with the business strategy. Not all businesses have the same goals from year to year. Thus, reviewing your KPIs and what you are tracking is an important piece of any marketing ops team.


Allow your campaigns to drive other campaigns. This is what we call meeting people where they are at. Not a one size fits all, but rather use data to drive your campaign decisions. Just wait for the success bells to ring.

Data Analytics Gets Insights
“A2I's uncanny knack for constantly improving ROI was the end result of our every interaction.”

Steve Bosen, Senior Contract Negotiator

No Fee Consultation

We specialize in projects that are aligned with corporate strategy and user experiences that drive results.

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