Understanding the nuances of the finance industry is not for the faint of heart. Our team has extensive knowledge in financial products and how this translates into client interactions. From both a commodity type of product like mortgages all the way through to more white glove approaches with wealth clients, Automate 2 Inspire handles each set of requirements with the delicate care it needs.
Nicolet National Bank
Working for a banking institution with disparate data sources and loads of data to sift through, our team assessed their systems and connections to enable them to move from 93 filterable attributes to more than 1,200 enabling them to create a more personalized user expeirence. Further, we worked on a wealth client project to support them in automating their wealth client compliance requirements.
Nissan Motors Financial Corporation
Working with Nissan and Infiniti financial divisions, we have worked with them for over 3 years in support of their reporting and strategic initiatives support a larger global team of consultants. In this effort, we refined a monthly scorecard to demonstrate the successes for both Nissan and Infiniti financial divisions, created content recommendations and refreshed updates leading to improved engagement, and was the strategic resource for their new creative briefs.
No Fee Consultation
We specialize in projects that are aligned with corporate strategy and user experiences that drive results.
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